Cheap talk is a special kind of signaling game, i.e., costless signaling.
<img src="/icons/anchor_blue.svg" alt="/icons/anchor_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Definition of Cheap Talk Games [1]
Sequence of events
- Nature chooses the sender’s type.
- The sender (he) learns his type and chooses a message.
- The receiver (she) observes the sender’s message, modifies her beliefs about the sender’s type, and chooses an action (response).
Sender’s utility function $u_S(a_R, \theta)$
- The payoff depends on his type $\theta$, and on the action (response) of the receiver $a_R$.
- Cheap Talk: The payoff does not depend on his message $m$.
Receiver’s utility function $u_R(a_R, \theta)$
- The payoff depends on the action (response) of the receiver $a_R$, and on the sender’s type $\theta$.
- The payoff does not depend on his message $m$. The message only affects his beliefs
Example of Defensive Medicine [1]
<img src="/icons/apple_red.svg" alt="/icons/apple_red.svg" width="40px" /> Sequence of events
- Nature moves first determining the value of a test to a patient:
- with prob $1/3$ the test is beneficial,
- with prob $2/3$ the test is useless.
- This information is only known by the doctor.
- The doctor (he) decides to recommend / not recommend the test. His payoff is
- The patient takes the test that are beneficial: a+5;
- The patient takes the test that are useless: a-5;
- The patient does not take the test: 0.
- The patient (she) chooses whether to undertake the test or not. Her payoff is
- Take the test that are beneficial: 5;
- Take the test that are useless: -5;
- Doesn’t take the test: 0.
- The prior belief is that if the doctor recommends the test, the test is beneficial with prob. $\mu$; if the doctor does not recommend the test, the test is beneficial with prob. $\gamma$.

It is easy to see that the doctor has a bias towards recommendation. The interests of two players coincide iff $a=0$.
<img src="/icons/apple_red.svg" alt="/icons/apple_red.svg" width="40px" /> Babbling Equilibrium (Pooling Equilibrium)
The messages from the sender are uninformative. First, consider the equilibrium on the path.
The doctor recommends the test regardless of its benefits.
The patient’s beliefs coincide with the priors, i.e., $\mu=1/3$.
The patient’s payoff is lower when taking the test, i.e.,
\frac{1}{3} 5 + \frac{2}{3}(-5) = -\frac{5}{3} < 0.
Next, consider the equilibrium off the path. Suppose the doctor does not recommend the test. The patient takes the test iff , i.e., $\gamma >1/2$.
\gamma 5 + (1-\gamma)(-5) = 10\gamma-5 > 0.
Let’s go back to the doctor’s decision.
- Case 1 $\gamma > 1/2$: Regardless of his nature, he gets 0 ($a+5$) from (not) recommending it. The optimal decision is not recommending the test, thus this pooling strategy profile cannot be sustained as a PBE.
- Case 2 $\gamma < 1/2$: Regardless of his nature, he gets 0 (0) from (not) recommending it. The doctor is indifferent between two decisions. This pooling strategy profile can be sustained as a PBE.
There is no information being transmitted from the doctor to the patient, a Pareto improvement can be made if they communicate better.

<img src="/icons/apple_red.svg" alt="/icons/apple_red.svg" width="40px" /> Truth-revealing Equilibrium (Separating Equilibrium)
The test is only recommended when it is beneficial.
Patient’s belief is $\mu=1$ after observing a recommendation, and $\gamma=0$ after observing no recommendation.
The patient’s optimal decision is T after observing a recommendation, and NT after observing no recommendation.
Let’s check the doctor’s optimal decision.
- When the test is beneficial, he recommend it iff $a+5 > 0$ (which holds since $a>0$).
- When the test is useless, he does not recommend it iff $0>a-5$, i.e., $a<5$.

In summary
- A separating equilibrium is supported iff $a<5$, i.e., the difference in the preferences between two players cannot be too large.
- Otherwise, only pooling equilibria are supported.
Example of Supply Yield Risk [2]
- Felix, M.-G. (2022). EconS 424, Strategy and Game Theory. School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University.
- Lu, T. (2024). Can a Supplier’s Yield Risk Be Truthfully Communicated via Cheap Talk? Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.