Typically, we study games under given rules, but we can also examine the optimal rules of the game, i.e., mechanism design. For example,
<aside> Sequence of events
At first sight, this looks like a very hard problem since the set of all possible mechanisms is immense.
<aside> Direct Mechanism
A direct mechanism (a.k.a. direct-revelation mechanism) is characterized by two functions:
$$ q: [\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}] \rightarrow [0,1], t:[\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}. $$
<aside> Individual Rational Mechanism
A direct mechanism is “individually rational” if the buyer is voluntarily willing to participate, i.e.,
$$ \theta q(\theta) - t(\theta) \geq0 \quad \forall \theta \in [\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}]. $$
<aside> Incentive Compatible Mechanism
A direct mechanism is “incentive compatible” if truth telling is optimal for every type, i.e.,
$$ \theta q(\theta) - t(\theta) \geq \theta q(\theta') - t(\theta') \quad \forall \theta, \theta' \in [\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}]. $$
<aside> Revelation Principle
For every mechanism $\Gamma$ and every optimal buyer strategy $\sigma^*$ in $\Gamma$ there is a direct mechanism $(q,t)$ such that
<aside> Proof of Revelation Principle
For every mechanism $\Gamma$,
$$ q(\theta)=q^{\Gamma} (\sigma^{\Gamma}(\theta)), t(\theta) = t^{\Gamma} (\sigma^{\Gamma}(\theta)), $$
Owing to revelation principle, we can restrict attention to incentive-compatible and individually-rational direct mechanisms. The revelation principles also tells that, to solve for the revenue-maximizing mechanism, it suffices to solve the following problem:
\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \max_{(q,t):[\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}] \rightarrow [0,1]\times \mathbb{R}} & \int_{\underline{\theta}}^{\bar{\theta}} t(\theta) f(\theta) d\theta,\\
\text{s.t.} \quad& \theta q(\theta) - t(\theta) \geq \theta q(\theta') - t(\theta') \quad \forall \theta, \theta' \in [\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}] \quad \text{(incentive-compatibility)}\\
& \theta q(\theta) - t(\theta) \geq0 \forall \theta \in [\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}] \quad \text{(individual-rationality)}\\
Next, we will focus on this problem, and the following lemmas will assist us in identifying a suitable mechanism.
Lemma (Property of IC)
If a direct mechanism is incentive compatible,
$$ u(\theta) = u(\underline{\theta}) + \int_{\underline{\theta}}^{\theta} q(x)dx. $$
This property is also called payoff equivalence.
$$ t(\theta) = \theta q(\theta) - u(\theta) = t(\underline{\theta}) + (\theta q(\theta) - \underline{\theta} q (\underline{\theta})) - \int_{\underline{\theta}}^{\theta} q(x) dx. $$
This property is also called revenue equivalence.
Proof of Lemma (Property of IC)
$$ \theta q(\theta) - t(\theta) \geq \theta q(\theta') - t(\theta'),\\ \theta' q(\theta') - t(\theta') \geq \theta' q(\theta) - t(\theta). $$
Combine them, we have $q(\theta)\geq q(\theta’)$.
$$ u(\theta) = \max_{\theta' \in [\underline{\theta}, \bar{\theta}]} \theta q(\theta') - t(\theta'). $$
It is easy to see that $u$ is increasingly convex in $\theta$. Since $u$ is the maximum of increasing and convex function. Using envelope theorem, $u’(\theta) = q(\theta^) = q(\theta)$ since the optimal strategy is truth-telling, i.e., $\theta^=\theta$.
These properties help us derive the
Proposition (Necessary and Sufficient Condition of IC)
A direct mechanism $(q,t)$ is incentive compatible iff